No. 21, Pahurumankadawatta,
Waradala, Sri Lanka.Raising Delmo Chicken
"Caring our customers begins with caring our Chicken"
At the Delmo Hatchery
At Delmo, the chicken comes first, then the eggs. We buy day-old chicks, called pullets, from primary breeder companies in United States of America and raise them to be breeders. The breeder hens lay eggs that are collected and taken to our hatcheries, where they are incubated and hatched. When the eggs hatch, the chicks are sent to Delmo grow-out Farms and contract grow-out farms (Buy back procedure) to be raised to maturity.

At the Feed Mill

Delmo owns and operates multiple feed mills, which are strategically located in the areas where we have processing operations. We manufacture our feed using a proprietary mixture that includes corn, soybean meal and other grains. We do not use growth hormones of any kind in our poultry rations. Once the feed has been formulated, pelleted and blended at the feed mill, it’s loaded into feed trucks that deliver the finished feed to Delmo grow-out farms and contract grow out farms ( Buy back procedure).
Processing and Food Production
Delmo operates various fresh processing plants and prepared foods cook plants in the north western region of Sri Lanka and also a further processing plant in the same region.
Every Delmo processing facility in the Sri Lanka is regularly inspected by the Food Control Administration unit under ministry of Health in Sri Lanka subsidiary authority Sri Lanka Standard Institution and ensure that all our food products meet all legal native food safety standards.
All of our plants have been certified by the ISO 22000 food safety management, and Good manufacturing practices (GMP) quality standards. These standards, which today are required by most of our retail customers, are used to evaluate a plant’s food safety and quality programs. With numerous requirements that must be met before a final certification grade can be given, the audit is among the toughest in the industry. Earning a “clean sweep” of all plants passing this thorough audit for four years in a row is an unprecedented achievement, and we are extremely proud of each of our plants for their dedication and commitment to food safety and quality standards.
Animal Welfare

Delmo has adopted the science-based guidelines for animal welfare issued by the Sri Lanka institute of Standards (SLS).All of our complexes are audited on a regular basis to ensure compliance with these guidelines. If a deficiency is identified, immediate corrective action is taken and follow-up audits are scheduled until the issue is resolved.
In addition, all Delmo employees who handle live birds are required to complete animal-welfare training on an annual basis. Our contract growers receive similar training. All are required to sign a training compliance form indicating that they have received this training and understand their responsibilities regarding our animal welfare program.
Employees or growers who violate the Delmo animal welfare policy and associated procedures will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or termination of their grower contract.
Delmo Buy Back
Caring for our flocks also means taking steps to protect them from disease or illness. Delmo requires its contract growers to follow strict biosecurity measures on their farms to prevent diseases or viruses from being inadvertently passed to flocks. These measures include:
*Routine cleaning and disinfecting of equipment and vehicles.
*Providing clean and protective clothing for all personnel.
*Permitting only essential personnel and vehicles to enter the farm.
*Limiting or avoiding visits to other bird farms.
*Sheltering our flocks in contained housing structures to provide maximum protection from inadvertent contact with wild or migratory birds.

Delmo Sausages

Delmo is a home for various further processed Chicken meat items within the nation. Our further processing plant is prominent in using cutting edge technology for manufacturing chicken related sausages, smoked items, Meat balls, Nuggets and Burger slices.
Our further processing plant consists of a team which is highly enthusiastic in driving for new products around the world and our food development unit has been on the spotlight for creating products which are enriched with local spices and tastes that are being inherited from our local ancestors.

Proving the nation with the finest and most nourishing products that uplift consumer satisfaction and growth.
Spices and Ingredients

We use a wide range of ingredients and spices to enhance the taste of our sausage items. We use the highest percentage of chicken meat compared to any other local company to ensure the quality and tastiness of our sausages are unparalleled to any other.
We make sure that all the herbs and ingredients that are used in the production of our sausages and related products meet our quality standard and must also be of SLSI (Sri Lanka standard institute) approved. Most common flavors the Delmo recently has being using are Kochchi (native chilies), cheese, Onion, Garlic and pepper.
Food hygiene and safety.
Our further processing plant is followed by a strict and transparent food safety standard regulated under the ISO 22000 food and safety management standard monitored by the SLSI. Regular audits within the company is carried out to ensure the transparency of our products are hygienically suitable for consumption.
No Artificial Flavors & MSG Policy
Many of meat processing companies within the industry use various artificial colorings and flavors to enhance the taste degrading the quality of the products. Use of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) has being a top picker by various processed meat companies to give the products the artificial taste which is very harmful to human health.
At Delmo we guarantee 100% that our products are free of these artificial flavors and Monosodium Glutamate (MSG).
We use only natural ingredients of the environment in developing the quality of the products.
"Every pack is prepared with the finest ingredients and natural content freshly picked from the Mother Nature safeguarding the environment cycle."
Food Safety Policy
We, at Delmo are committed to provide safe, hygienic & nutrition Poultry Meat Products & Comminuted Meat Products with highest possible controls to prevent any hazardous items containing to the product.We, always monitor our systems, procedures & train the staff with high level of competency based on food safety requirements & committed to continually improve system.We, also take every step to meet all applicable food safety requirements, including statutory, Regulatory & other requirements during our manufacturing process. We understand our context, Standards in order to sustain the Food Safety Management System.