No. 21, Pahurumankadawatta,
Waradala, Sri Lanka.
Delmo Distribution
Delmo distribution is a key factor in determining the success story of our journey. We have the most comprehensive and punctual distributional link around the island covering every single city of Sri Lanka. Our distributional structure consists of two main channels.
1. Delmo factory Outlet Chain.
2. Delmo Distributional Centers.
Delmo Factory Outlets
Delmo has established a factory outlet chain island wide to distribute our farm fresh high quality products to the nation. Our international standard outlet chain is expanding and approaching every major city in Sri Lanka.
Customers can purchase all of our Chicken, Sausage, Delmo Mango , Agriculture related products & our other partnered products from our outlets.
"Our plan is to establish 250 of these factory outlets by 2030 reaching up to 6 million customers nationwide."
Hygiene in the outlets
All the outlets have been certified by ISO 22000 standards at SLSI. The quality of the items that you purchase at our outlets are exact same as within our factory. We maintain a strict hygienic and food safety guidelines within the outlets to ensure all the products are suitable to put up for sale.
The freezers and, scales, and all the items used at the outlets stores are audited at regular basis by the National consumer affairs authority to ensure the customer is getting the high quality products at a transparent transaction process.
Building a customer friendly outlet network covering the whole island
Delmo Distribution Centers
Delmo has a 5 distributional centers around the island. Our main distribution center is at Waradala.
We are connecting the whole island through 4 other main distribution centers located at Anuradhapura,
Kandy, Kottawa and Matara. We have the capacity and capability to supply any institution within the
nation with the use of these Distributional centers.
Many of our top buyers in the market contact these centers to purchase our products to their institutions.
Our delivery vehicle fleet consists of more than 200 modern vehicles which has the latest freezing
machinery installed within them. All the vehicles we use guarantee the products we supply deliver at your
destination with the right temperature and perfect quality.
Our sales and marketing department have strong portfolio of dealing with Sri Lanka’s most
reputed Hotels, Restaurants and Food supply companies. The success behind this tremendous
achievement is the Quality and international standard we maintain within our organization and the well-
connected delivery channel within the island. Contact us today for more information.
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